

Jon Coen lives on Long Beach Island, in the great state of New Jersey.… like, year round.

Winters can be a little rough, long stretches of frozen desolation. But then there are those surreal days of soft snowfall and empty waves. Summers are a hectic time when the Island swells to full capacity and every day is a challenge of capitalizing on the season, telling the stories of the Island and enjoying the season.

Of course, in between those are the blissful days when the garden is exploding and someone drops off fresh striped bass, chasing snowy barrels in the winter or blue claw crabs with the kids in the summer.

He love to travel – the Outer Banks to Polynesia, the Rockies, cool little hotels and van camping, it’s all part of the experience. But he always look forward to coming home.

Jon Coen, content creator, New Jersey, longboarding, writer, by Ryan Johnson

About Jon Coen

Jon Coen is a freelance content creator of 20 years, having lived his entire life at the New Jersey Shore.

Essentially a storyteller through various medium, he maintains a sharp editorial pen, but is also experienced in everything from marketing campaigns to video production, copywriting, event coordination, journalism, documentaries and on-screen talent work.

He’s driven to Costa Rica in a van and ran an old Mercedes on vegetable oil.

He is a former Associate Editor for N’East Magazine, and in addition to a weekly column in the SandPaper, he has worked witha long list of publications and clients including Vuori, The Surfer’s Journal, New Jersey Monthly, Huck, Surfer Magazine Magazine,  Reef,  Philadelphia Magazine,  Frank 151,  Roxy,  Anthem,  The Press of AC,  Transworld,   ESPN, and countless others.  He has also done some on-camera work with Jetty, the Travel Channel, Transition Productions, Red Bull and NBC World Adventure Sports. His most recent project is called “Just Beneath the Surface,” a mini documentary focusing on the LBI region.

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Photo by Ryan Johnson

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