Summer’s busy. It’s busy as hell. And I know it’s tough for folks to follow along with everything going on. Now that things are slowing down, I have a chance to share the project that has kept me on my toes this year. Thanks to Dave’s Electric, Farias Surf, Mud City Crab House the Ship Bottom Brewery and never ending support from the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce we’ve done an entire season – four episodes of Just Beneath the Surface our mini-documentary series on the Long Beach Island Region.
This year, we’ve explored the secrets of the Pine Barrens, chased swell with LBI surfers, got a look at the life of a bartender, got invited into some unique homes, jumped on the striped bass blitz, captured some lifeguard action, paddled the bay, and learned about our shipwreck history.
Of course, the Swells and Shipwreck episode is particularly close to my heart. And we had a lot of support form the surf community on this one, specifically the photogs and videographers.
JTBS Episode 1-3 from Just Beneath the Surface on Vimeo.
Episodes One, Two, and Three are all online at We have one more episode that we are premiering at the Ship Bottom Brewery, Friday, September 29 at 8 p.m. Hope you can all make it. Find us on Facebook. Sharing these videos enables us to keep going.